Tuesday, March 19, 2019

5 Financial Mistakes New Real Estate Investors Make

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Read all the guides you want, watch all the tutorials, and have the best commercial or residential real estate investment companies by your side, there's still a good chance that if you're a  new real estate investor, you're going to make some common mistakes.
Here are 5 financial mistakes we're talking about:

1. Not Separating The 'Emergency Fund'

This is the single most important thing investors must do. Sadly, so many of them don’t.
Some, in fact, go even worse by investing borrowed money.
Don’t be any of them. You never know when the bad days might come. You must always stay prepared for it. So, keep a separate emergency fund for such rainy days.

2. Rushing In The Game

Yes, the real estate market is booming. But there's no reason why you must rush. In the long-term, the market always self-corrects itself. So, opportunities always exist.
So, don’t rush to the game. Make all the preparations required before entering the market. Have sufficient capital in access. Have a thorough plan in place.

3. Spending All The Capital In One-Go

Investing in real estate properties should be systematic in approach, spread over a stretch, even when you have a huge fund on your back.
Sadly, so many beginners decide to put in all their capital in one-go when they spot the right entry point. This is a big mistake. Foremost, you must aim at diversifying your portfolio. Second, investing over a period of time helps you leverage market movements.

4. Not Knowing When To Sell

Yes, real estate investment is a long-term game. However, at times, it's important to recognize the signs of loss and make an exit.
You must know when to sell your properties. But not many beginners do it. They hold low-yield properties, which significantly lower their return potential, if not put them on a loss.

5. Not Factoring Inflation In The Long-Term Plan

It takes an awful lot of planning and a well-devised strategy. And this process requires investors to factor all the various aspects that can influence their returns.
While some new investors don’t have a plan in the first place, there are many who fail to factor inflation in their long-term plan.
This, again, hurts their return potential.
These are 5 financial mistakes new real estate investors make.
Make sure to avoid them if you are to build a high-rewarding and sustainable portfolio. Start by having the right strategy. Next, hire one of the top residential and commercial real estate investment companies. And, above all, have enough patience.


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